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Cewl Tools


Creating Custom Wordlists in Kali Linux

CEWL (Custom Word List Generator) is a Ruby-based tool that scans a specified URL at a specified depth and returns a list of words; it makes a wordlist which can be used for password crackers. CeWL can also create a list of email addresses found in  links. These email addresses can be used as usernames in brute force attacks. Cewl is a custom wordlist generator that comes pre-installed with Kali Linux. There are a lot of custom wordlist generator tools like Crunch that may be available on the internet.

How to make a wordlists using CEWL

View options 

To view all the options of cwel using this command —

Cewl –help

Crawl a website

We need to give the website to crawl it. -d specified domain name and 2 define the depth of the scan

Cewl -d

Check the wordlists using command cat pass.txt

Save wordlists in Lowercase

Crawl a website for lowercase and save as output in file.

Command cewl –lowercase -w pass1.txt


The verbose mode is used to extend the website crawling result and to retrieve  all of a website’s information. It would show all the information of the url and directory and generate a wordlist.

Command: cewl -v -w pass3.txt

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